How do you make a lasting impression in a job interview? You do something the company has never seen. And will never forget. Listen in as The Little Instigator leaves even the most grizzled staffers stupefied in Stop The Presses.
There’s very little you can hide from the bagger/stockboy/cashier/assistant produce manager at Farmer Jack’s. Just ask The Little Instigator in the not-so mysterious case of The Chocolate Triangle.
How might free grub and cannon ball competitions to fend off the hot summer days of Michigan turn so horribly wrong? H’bout try inviting the Little Instigator.
It’s mid-summer in the mid-1970s in the Midwest and the lifeguards at this suburban swim club are breaking more rules than they’re enforcing.
Doing burnouts in a ‘74 Road Runner with 400 horsepower is fun. But not so much for the mother and her two kids trying to maneuver around the chaos.
There’s a reason his teachers made The Little Instigator wait 8 years to get onto the two-person hot dog and cupcake fetching team.
9th Grade Stairwell 00:00:00 We’re not perfect. Some of us are not even close, like me, but if I can learn to accept myself errors, faults and all, for who I am I’m betting you can too. Even if you’ve done some really stupid stuff...